Taking the Right Decision: Hiring a Recruiter vs. Working with an Agency

If we’ve learned something in recent years, and even more so in 2023, it’s that the technology market is extremely dynamic. Things can change from night to day, and, of course, this presents a huge challenge for businesses, candidates, and users in general.
Maybe the product has a few errors, but that’s okay. Perhaps the marketing efforts are doing well, but you know they could be better.
Within the craziness of the market, you’re in good hands and ready to grow your team. One of the most important questions is related to hiring a recruitment team or working with an agency. What is the best option? Let’s dive into it🤔

🕵️‍♀️Hiring a Recruiter:


  1. In-house Expertise: Employing a full-time recruiter becomes cost-effective when there’s a well-defined hiring plan for at least the next four quarters
  2. Cost Control: With an in-house recruiter, you have control over their salary, benefits, and training costs. You can allocate these resources based on your budget and hiring needs
  3. Immediate Availability: An in-house recruiter is readily available and can respond to your needs without additional costs


  1. Upfront Costs: Initially, you’ll need to invest in recruiting tools, software, and training for your in-house recruiter, which could add up to several thousand dollars
  2. Limited Network: In-house recruiters may have a narrower professional network compared to agencies, which could limit your access to diverse talent
  3. Workload Fluctuations: In-house recruiters may not be fully utilized during slower hiring periods, which can be less cost-effective. We’re aware of the negative perception layoffs can have on investments and company growth

🧙‍♀️Working with a Recruitment Agency:


  1. Extensive Network: Recruitment agencies have access to a vast network of candidates, which means you’re exposed to a more diverse and qualified pool of potential hires
  2. Specialized Expertise: Agencies often have specialized expertise, especially if they focus on particular industries. For example, if you’re in the IT sector, a specialized agency can quickly source and screen candidates with the required technical skills
  3. Time Efficiency: Agencies can expedite the hiring process, reducing time-to-fill. On average, agencies can fill a position within 42% faster than an internal recruiter


  1. Costs: While the contingency-based payment structure can be advantageous, it’s important to note that agency fees typically range between 15% and 20% of the hired candidate’s first-year salary. This cost can be a significant factor for high-salary positions.
  2. Communication and Cultural Challenges: Partnering with a recruitment agency can present challenges beyond technical qualifications. Evaluating the cultural fit of candidates, especially critical for start-ups and small businesses is a challenge. The significance of creating clear communication channels, providing easy access to documentation and streamlined processes are key to finding the right candidate from both perspectives.
  3. Limited Control: When working with an agency, you have less direct control over the recruitment process. Therefore, it’s crucial to choose an agency that closely shares your company’s values and priorities to ensure a smoother collaboration

That’s a lot to consider, isn’t it? it’s crucial to analyze the pros and cons, engage with experts, and evaluate all possible scenarios to minimize, as much as possible, any surprises.

Growing a team is always good news to celebrate. The main challenge is to be strategic in that growth to ensure sustainability and enable each project to move to the next level.🎯

New York – WeWork 

75 Rockefeller Plaza West 52nd Street


New York-WeWork

75 Rockefeller Plaza West 52nd Street
